Founder, Richard Graber along with Artistic Director, Christopher Smith, integrated the dances, costumes, music and culture of the Hungarian people into Csárdás Dance Company from 1994 - 2005. Upon their relocation to Texas in 2005, Csárdás was maintained by Toni (Bodnar) Gras as Managing Director. In 2012, the Csárdás Board of Directors took over management of the company. Rehearsal instructors are Stuart Meyer and Judith Horvath, Richard Graber travels to Cleveland periodically to set new choreographies and works with the Youth Ensemble.
Csárdás Board of Directors
Richard Graber, Founder
Jennifer Hensal, President
Alicia Hathcock, Secretary
Robert McPeak, Treasurer
Judith K. Horvath
Stuart Meyer
Gina Morlan
Jennie Vasarhelyi
Toni Gras
Anthony Messina, CPA
Wardrobe/Costume Design Rita
Csárdás Dance Company Youth Ensemble
Aleksa Bogardy
Kristina Bogardy
Amy Dial
Melissa Dial
Courtney Gras
Andrea Horvath
Sara Katrenich
Thomas Katrenich
Vivien Luksa
Elizabeth Pal
Gergely Pal
Kate Steven
Suzy Szabados
Abbey Toth
Emma Toth
Michael Vamos
Leah Vasarhelyi
Csárdás Performance Repertoire
Mezoségi Táncok (dances from Mezoség), 2009
Choreography: Sándor and Böske Tímár – Adapted and staged for Csárdás Dance
Company by Richard Graber
Dvorák Slavonic Dance No. 1 in C Major, Opus 46
Presto 2008
Csárdás Youth Ensemble Choreography: Richard Graber, Christopher Smith, Stuart
Hungarian Dances 5 and 6 2008
Allegro and Vivace
Csárdás Youth Ensemble Choreography: Richard Graber, Christopher Smith
Sárközi Táncok (dances from Sárköz) 2007
Csárdás Youth Ensemble Choreography: Richard Graber
Kalocsai Táncok (dances from Kalocsa) 2004
Csárdás Youth Ensemble Choreography: Richard Graber
"Rece Fice" (a contemporary children's work) 2004
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Rábaközi Táncok (dances of Rábaköz region) 2003
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
"Transdanubian Trance" (a contemporary work) 2003
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Moldvai Táncok (dances of Moldavia) 2002
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Tolnai Üveges (Bottle dance from Tolna), 2001
Choreography: Richard Graber
"Fusion" (a contemporary work) 2001
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Gyimesi Táncok
(dances of Gyimes) 2001
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Dunamenti Csárdás (dances from Dunamente) 2001
Choreography: Richard Graber
Sóvidéki Táncok (dances from Sovidek) 2000
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Dunántúli Ugros és Uveges Gyermek Tánc (Children's leaping and bottle dance)
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Sárközi Táncok (dances of Sárköz) 1998
Choreography: Sándor and Böske Tímár
Rábaközi Táncok (dances of Zemplén county) 1997
Youth Ensemble Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Zempléni Táncok (dances of Zemplén county) 1997
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Zempléni Gyermek Tánc (children's dance of Zemplén county) 1997
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Délalföldi Táncok (dances from the southern great plains) 1997
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Szlavoniai Karikázó (circle dance from Slavonia) 1997
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Somogyi Üveges és Lipentös (bottle dance from Somogy) 1996
Choreography: Zoltán Nagy
"Ha én Rózsa Volnék" ("If I Were A Rose") a contemporary work 1996
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Galgamenti Táncok (dances from Galgamente) 1996
Choreography: Szilárd Szabó, Ildikó Németh, Richard Graber
Kalotaszegi Hajnali dal, Legényes és Csárdás (song, solo & couples' dance
from Kalotaszeg) 1996
Choreography: Szilárd Szabó, Ildikó Németh, Richard Graber
Dunántúli Ugrós és Üveges (leaping dance from Transdanubia) 1995
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber, Eva Kish
Mezoségi Táncok (dances from Mezoség) 1995
Choreography: Richard Graber, Christopher L. Smith
Tyúkodi Táncok (couples dance from Tyúkod) 1995
Choreography: Zoltán Zsuráfszki, Zsuzsanna Vincze
Szatmári Botoló (stick dance from Szatmár) 1995
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber
Tiszaháti ének (songs from Tiszahát) 1995
Kalocsai Táncok (dances from Kalocsa) 1994
Choreography: Christopher L. Smith, Richard Graber, Eva Kish